-ZAN- open Iai tournament
The only full-contact Iai tournament, the battle of samurai
Defeat the opponent without getting cut.
There will be only one victorious champion.
What is Iai?
‘Iai’ is a martial art of swords for samurai, in short. It was made when Judo, Kendo, these modern martial arts didn’t exist yet. Samurai lived a life without referee, the beep to tell the beginning of a fight, information of the opponent, and the opponent with sportsmanship. However they were not allowed to walk down the streets with a drown sword in their hand.
Iai teaches how to block/attack with one motion from the daily sheathed stance.

1 What tournament is this?
Iai has three elements: kata, kumitachi and cutting. However all Iai schools in Japan teach kumitachi just as pair-kata. How could Iai be a martial art without actual combat practice? This question led to the development of the ‘jiyu-kumitachi’ (sparring), as opposed to the kata kumitachi of the past.
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2 Words of the grand master
‘Why do we need real competitions?’ Therein lies the future of iaido! There are many schools of iai in Japan. Why does Hogyokukai, the largest organisation of the Mugai-ryu, want to organise a Samurai tournament?
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3 Tournament overview and time schedule
This is iai!
Cut the enemy without being cut yourself!
The Jiyu-gumi Tachi competition is coming again, in which the skills of iai will be tested! The tournament is in Tokyo; it is predicted that there will be a battle for 500 seats. Be quick.
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4 The rules of sparring
The rules of the tournament are the IIO (International Iaido Organization) rules. The competition is based on a real battle situation, where two warriors meet and fight, so the game starts with whether or not the fighter can use the Battou (sword).
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5 Application
If you wish to compete, click here.
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6 Meet the competing samurai
Meet the competing samurais.Cheer them on with all your might.
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7 Ticket
Seating is by appointment only; 500 seats are up for grabs.
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8 Sponsors wanted
Help us pass on Japanese culture to the next generation.
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9 You can ask questions
If you are a visitor to Japan from abroad and would like to watch the games, or if you are an organisation or athlete wishing to enter, or if you are a member of the media wishing to cover the event, we will be happy to answer all your questions.
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